Tuesday 22 May 2012

Nice surprises

Yesterday, I had an afternoon out with my camera.  I took quite a few shots.  Had some nice ones but nothing too thrilling.  Then I came across this little fella!  I must of spent around 40 minutes watching a young family of Kingfishers.  They were fantastic and were not at all bothered that I was taking photographs of them.
In addition to coming across the kingfishers, I've been closely following a family of Nuthatches and this had led to a lovely series of images.

Finally, for this post, I've got a new obsession;  I sort of become obsessed with nature reclaiming the urban areas.  It sort of started with a couple of quick shots but it's quickly developing in to a little side project.  Here's one of the images!
Last night was also the presentation for Blackburn & District Camera Club's Annual Exhibition.  I received a A third, highly commended and a commended.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your awards, let me judge next time ;-)
    Loving the side project, nature asserting it's self - Ace. Think this should be your next project. There is a tree growing in a chimey that you can see from the train in Burnley, makes me smile every time I see it - God knows how you would shoot that one!!
