Images of Marsden Park

Images of Marsden Park was the first book written and self published by Lee Johnson Photography.  The book is available from our blurb page.  See below for a preview of the book.

Lying in the foothills of the Pennines lies the old cotton mill towns of East Lancashire.

In between the terraced housing, remnants of an industry not long gone and the open countryside lies a wealth of history that reaches well beyond that of the mill stacks.

Images of Marsden Park explores one of these remnants.

A public park since the early 20th centure, Marsden Park's history stretches well back in to the reaches of time.

The foresight of previous owners built the beautifully preserved Old Hall and startling landscaped gardens with it's unusual features including the Icoshedral Sundial and the Wishing Gate.

The once manicured woodlands that have now naturalised provides a vital habitat for many native species of bird, plant and the not so obvious world of fungi and inertebrates.

In the Images of Marsden Park, Photographer and Park Keeper, Lee Johnson documents Marsden Park as it is today.

The result of three years work can be seen in this colourful and creative collection of work using the latest technology and photographic techniques to bring Marsden Park to life in all it's glory.