Tuesday 22 May 2012

Nice surprises

Yesterday, I had an afternoon out with my camera.  I took quite a few shots.  Had some nice ones but nothing too thrilling.  Then I came across this little fella!  I must of spent around 40 minutes watching a young family of Kingfishers.  They were fantastic and were not at all bothered that I was taking photographs of them.
In addition to coming across the kingfishers, I've been closely following a family of Nuthatches and this had led to a lovely series of images.

Finally, for this post, I've got a new obsession;  I sort of become obsessed with nature reclaiming the urban areas.  It sort of started with a couple of quick shots but it's quickly developing in to a little side project.  Here's one of the images!
Last night was also the presentation for Blackburn & District Camera Club's Annual Exhibition.  I received a A third, highly commended and a commended.

Tuesday 1 May 2012


The Remnants Project is now nearing completion.  The talk side of the project is finished and is now available for booking.  The slide show contains over 100 slides spanning around 80 images and over 4000 years of history!

Coming soon, the book of the project and limited edition prints.